Dunn County Board of Supervisors

District 2

District 4

District 5

District 6

District 9

District 15

District 17

District 18

District 19

District 21

District 22

District 24

District 26

District 29
Required Board Information
As you go through the orientation process, you will have several forms that need to be returned to the Department of Administration. These forms are as follows:
- New Employee Information
- W-4
- WT4
- I-9
- Employee Handbook
- Read the Dunn County Employee Handbook
- Sign the Dunn County Employee Acknowledgement Page
In addition, County Board Members are required to furnish a Dunn County Disclosure of Economic Interest form. Please follow the link to print out form.
- Disclosure of Economic Interest Memo
- Disclosure of Economic Interest Form
(a) Public officials required to file statement. -5-
(1) Pursuant to Wis. Stat. §19.59 (3)(a), all elected officials and all public officials whose duties and responsibilities include the evaluating,awarding and executing of contracts for the purchase of supplies, services, materials, and equipment for or on behalf of the county or any board of commission thereof, or for the construction of public works, or for the sale or lease of real estate, are required to file statements of economic interest as set forth in this section.
(2) Those required to file shall include all elected officials and all public officials in managerial position classifications. In addition, each department head shall prepare a list of all other positions within his or her department, whose duties include those outlined above. These positions lists shall be submitted to the ethics board for its determination of which public officials, in addition to those in the managerial level, shall be required to file statements of economic interest.